Messier 50

 Messier 50

Messier 50 also known as M50. It is also known as NGC 2323. This is an open cluster of stars. M50 is in the constellations Monoceros. This was recorded by G.D. Cassini in 1711 and independently discovered by Charles Messier in 1772. This is also known as heart shaped cluster. This object has a radius of 8.9 light years with a apparent magnitude of 5.9. The age of this object is 140 Myr(Million years). This can be seen through naked eyes.

How to find Messier 50?

Finding M50 is relatively easy. Start by aiming Siris, the brightest star in the night sky. M50 is located 9.5 degrees north-northeast.

More details about Messier 50................

The constellation Monoceros straddles the equatorial equator, east of majestic Orion and north of bright Canis Major. Despite lying in rich Milky Way star fields, Monoceros is a faint constellation with no stars brighter than 4th magnitude. Consequently, tracing the outline of this dim grouping requires some patience. However, it does contains a number of bright and interesting deep sky objects. In addition to M50, it's home to the Rosette Nebula (NGC 2237, 2238, 2239, and 2246), the Christmas Tree Cluster (NGC 2264) and Hubble's Variable Nebula (NGC 2261). All of these are best seen during the months of December, January and February

M50 was discovered by Charles Messier on April 5, 1772. However, it's possibly G.D. Cassini had already seen it before 1711, according to a report by his son in his book, "Elements of Astronomy".

M50 Table:

This object is Messier 50. This comes under New general Catalogue also(NGC 2323)
This is a open cluster object in Constellation Monoceros. The distance away from Earth is 3,200 light years with apparent magnitude 5.9, RA(J2000)07h 02m 42s. DEC(J2000)-08d 23m 26s. Apparent size(arc mins) 16 x 16. The radius of this object is 10 light5 years. Messier 50 is 78 million years old and has stars less than 100 million. 

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